Our Member Churches
Click here for an interactive map showing the location of our member churches, with physical addresses.
Here is a current list of churches affiliated with the Bethel Baptist Association, with physical addresses, mailing addresses, and phone numbers (PLEASE NOTE that in most cases, the church mailing address is DIFFERENT than the physical address of the church building):
Church Name | Church Physical Address | Church Mailing Address (if different) |
Church Phone (Area Code = 229) |
Arlington Baptist Church | 17382 S Highland Ave Arlington, GA 39813 |
PO Box 387 Arlington, GA 39813 |
725-4991 FAX 725-4079 |
Bethel Baptist Church | 29 Blakely Highway Blakely, GA 39823 |
768-3746 | |
Beulah Baptist Church | 61 Beulah St Cedar Springs, GA 39832 |
PO Box 155 Cedar Springs, GA 39832 |
372-4568 |
Blakely, First Baptist Church | 790 S Church St Blakely, GA 39823 |
PO Box 667 Blakely, GA 39823 |
723-3448 FAX 723-6915 |
Bluffton Baptist Church | 103 South Broad St Bluffton, GA 39824 |
PO Box 36 Bluffton, GA 39824 |
641-3682 |
Carnegie Baptist Church | 24 Eleven Bridges Rd Cuthbert, GA 39840 |
283 Eleven Bridges Rd Cuthbert, GA 39840 |
No church phone |
Coleman Baptist Church | 2705 GA Hwy 266 Coleman, GA 39836 |
PO Box 36 Coleman, GA 39836 |
No church phone |
Colomokee Baptist Church | 2222 Colomokee Church Rd Blakely, GA 39823 |
723-3674 | |
Cuthbert, First Baptist Church | 567 College St Cuthbert, GA 39840 |
PO Box 274 Cuthbert, GA 39840 |
732-2801 FAX 732-2336 |
Damascus Baptist Church (Early County) |
8145 Brumby St Damascus, GA 39841 |
PO Box 187 Damascus, GA 39841 |
758-3812 |
Damascus Baptist Church (Randolph County) |
2909 Fountain Bridge Rd Cuthbert, GA 39840 |
268 Lovett Farm Rd Cuthbert, GA 39840 |
732-3586 |
Edison Baptist Church | 19530 W Hartford St Edison, GA 39846 |
PO Box 296 Edison, GA 39846 |
835-2448 |
Enterprise Baptist Church | 338 Enterprise Rd Edison, GA 39846 |
PO Box 242 Edison, GA 39846 |
No church phone |
Faith Baptist Church | 166 S Webster St Cuthbert, GA 39840 |
PO Box 75 Cuthbert, GA 39840 |
732-3829 |
Fort Gaines Baptist Church | 207 E Hartford Rd Fort Gaines, GA 39851 |
PO Box 248 Fort Gaines, GA 39851 |
768-2354 |
Georgetown Baptist Church | 196 High St Georgetown, GA 39854 |
PO Box 478 Georgetown, GA 39854 |
334-4264 |
Leary Baptist Church | 4530 N Depot St Leary, GA 39862 |
PO Box 115 Leary, GA 39862 |
792-6151 |
Milford Baptist Church | 1438 Milford Church Rd Leary, GA 39862 |
734-5857 | |
Morgan Baptist Church | 149 Church St Morgan, GA 39866 |
PO Box 32 Morgan, GA 39866 |
No church phone |
Morris Baptist Church | 231 Morris Rd Morris, GA 39867 |
732-2395 | |
Mount Gilead Baptist Church | 808 Cotton Hill Rd Fort Gaines, GA 39851 |
PO Box 278 Fort Gaines, GA 39851 |
768-3390 |
Mount Hebron Baptist Church | 1132 GA Hwy 216 Cuthbert, GA 39840 |
c/o Gloria Melton
887 District Line Rd Cuthbert, GA 39840
No church phone |
Mount Vernon Baptist Church | 1 Mt Vernon Rd Fort Gaines, GA 39851 |
PO Box 434 Fort Gaines, GA 39851 |
No church phone |
New Bethel Baptist Church | 989 Eleven Bridges Rd Cuthbert, GA 39840 |
942 Eleven Bridges Rd Cuthbert, GA 39840 |
No church phone |
New Hope Baptist Church | 3832 US Hwy 27 Blakely, GA 39823 |
723-3696 | |
New Zion Baptist Church | 3104 Freeman Rd Blakely, GA 39823 |
PO Box 927 Blakely, GA 39823 |
723-9466 |
Rehoboth Baptist Church | 2967 US Hwy 82 Shellman, GA 39886 |
PO Box 291 Shellman, GA 39886 |
679-5117 |
Salem Baptist Church | 17912 GA Hwy 37 East Edison, GA 39846 |
PO Box 477 Edison, GA 39846 |
835-2140 |
Shellman, First Baptist Church | 100 Phelps St Shellman, GA 39886 |
PO Box 205 Shellman, GA 39886 |
679-5092 |
Shiloh Baptist Church | 1974 Cotton Hill Rd Fort Gaines, GA 39851 |
768-3391 | |
Southside Baptist Church | 22240 Lucile Rd Blakely, GA 39823 |
PO Box 644 Blakely, GA 39823 |
723-3152 |
Sowhatchee Baptist Church | 10581 Cedar Springs Rd Blakely, GA 39823 |
723-5966 | |
Springvale Baptist Church | 4519 US Hwy 82 Springvale, GA |
No church phone | |
Vilulah Baptist Church | 422 Morgan Rd Coleman, GA 39836 |
732-3593 |
Looking for a Southern Baptist Church near you? Try clicking on the "ChurchSearch" feature at www.sbc.net and using their powerful search engine!