Bethel Baptist Association, Inc.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Strengthening Churches in Sharing Christ

On Mission

On April 5-15, 2013 three ministers from the Bethel Association (Ron Phillips, Gary Hadden, and James Holloway) journeyed to the Eastern European country of Lithuania to assist International Mission Board career missionaries Milton and Lara Magalhaes. The men visited three churches which have been planted by the Magalhaes in the cities of Vilnius, Kaunas, and Silute. They worshiped, shared testimonies, preached and taught in all three churches. They also spent several days in and around the Baltic port city of Klaipeda, prayer-walking and dialoguing with a group of believers about re-starting a Baptist church there.  At the conclusion of the trip, they taught seminars at a retreat attended by leaders from all of the churches.  Here are just a few pictures from their trip:

"Mission Lithuania", April 5-15, 2013:

Lithuania is a modern country with an ancient past, as symbolized by this 12th Century castle at Trakai.
Brother Ron joins the Praise Team leading worship at Capital City Baptist Church in Vilnius.
The talented young musicians of Vilnius.
Bro. James preaching at Bread of Life Baptist Church in Kaunas.
Bro. Gary giving his testimony at the Silute Baptist Church.
Young believers worship at the leadership retreat.
Bro. James teaches at the retreat.